The Phone Call

The Phone Call

(the hanna Tree Feb 2018)

Between the lines

there’s a space that feels like

sadness and thunder claps

flaring white and slow and cold

where laughter swallowed

up by depleting distance

is a storm of smiling mouth sounds

that doesn’t brighten the room


Hear it!


You cant see it

there among coruscating, giggling shadows

darting between

wall board words



as disappointing as untimely death

lying beneath eternity and the dying flowers

And love’s expression

frozen on fear

in that vastness that holds

all the stars together

in between the lines

where my silence ululates

is too big to bridge

you excusing dissolution

I love you

I’ve been busy


A Quality of Life

A Quality of Life

(jayn Feb 2018)


Two little boys

skip joyfully across this shitty little street

glad that dad gave them the privilege

of opening the big electric gate

Milk and honey in a remote control

Oh how it yawns

revealing the wooden worker’s castle

defended by ramparts of brick and render

meant to impress

Such splendid humble shouts


though we are not the enemy


We’re doomed if success

is a cage that boys run from

chasing balls without fields to play in


Shitty little boxes squeezed together

so tight the cars that get bigger

as egos get bigger

as profits get bigger

don’t fit

narrow streets and narrow houses

made for poor men who walked to work

never imagining an architect’s fantasy

out the front

hiding shitty little yards

worth a million dollars

for the view

of other shitty little yards

Inward, it all looks inward

where out is a window

switched on like light

Same thing every night


We’re doomed if success

is a maze that boys run from

chased by pixels

See how they run

like the real thing

in a screaming screen dream



I walked in a forest down by the sea

it sounded like the world had ended to me

That din of materialism resoundingly expressed

as  modernity’s cacophony caging wilderness


The city is rising on rubble and stumps

heaving out of chasms and holes between walls

an invading army

fed on the chilled aspic of modular trends

Decks as big as backyards bulge

out the back

compulsorily attended

by the clutter of cheap

crowded hopefully for the plastic feast

same as the ones down the street

It’s a formula that made

humble, make-do and tea-towelled cakes



We’re doomed if success is

what we have

and not what we could be

without it


The Kiss


The Kiss (by Jayn 2018)

You must know by now
folding clothes scattered
across a wasteland
of unbridgeable dissatisfactions
Impeccable mates
you and your dissolutions
excluded consensus
You must know by now
about how love leaves
when dreams go dark
in an instant lacking mutuality

In the in-between
of then and now
you must know
about silence
like an unpleasant cloud
out of dark screens
Silence telling it best

You must know by now
about a kiss
beneath billowing scents of clean
Love fading like the shirt across your back
and this killing, drowning grief
fading, fading
to an infinity of

My love you must know
about how love shrivels
when souls can’t grow
In the light of together
Where being open
to possibility,
shuts forever
a comfort zone so closed
that I have no business being there
My love, we dreamed
such unrealisable sweetness
not this
of us
this impotent investment
in unproductive shadows
on barren ground

I flew away
a fuschia kite into the sun
decided, released
heartstring stretched too thin
to bear pitting depressions
and obfuscating obsessions
I kissed you without promise
love’s last hope hiding
behind brusque and bravado

You were a small dot
standing by your lines of sheets
I saw the mountains between us

We both know by now
about that kiss